The trans samberigi speaking people are subsistant farmers just like the rest of the highlanders of the Papua New Guinea. And their livelyhood depends on fresh vegestables from the garden. Sago also is added however sago it is not a daily food that depends on people who own sago palms. Moreover, the vegestables are harvested in seasons and out of season. For instance, yam, pandanus(red & yellow in clour), pitpit, are harvested in season. Our stable foods is sweet potatoe, taro, banana etc.
To have meat for their families on the table the older and young men goes off hunting into the jungle and mountains, sometimes stays away from the village week or more then goes home with their catch. They come home with dried meats, such as from wild pigs, casowari, tree kangaroo, walaby, tree python, fish, possum etc. whenever there is a family or organised community feast pork meats are added as a portein to the families meals.